
Thinking of doing my first stuffing soon

Like the title says, I’m thinking of trying a stuffing soon. Any recommendations on what I should get? I’m thinking of fast food and cakes/other sweets from the grocery store.

Mix savory with sweet.

Don't fill up on soda (for best results, don't drink it at all for first stuffing unless you need it to burp).

Don't over do it with the salt and sugar lest you deal with the after effects (sugar crash and water retention)

Get a mix of food so you don't get sick of the taste.

Protien is very filling, so don't over do it.

Lay of anything that makes you gassy as it may lead to stomach cramps.

Mix in some fiber in your stuffing session to help move things along.

Don't feel bad if you can fit a lot inside for your first stuffing. You'll be able to fit more with practice. If your prepare well, you should be able to sit there and lose yourself to your gluttony.
2 years

Thinking of doing my first stuffing soon

Why people think it has to be fast food or sweets just eat what you normally like just more of it.
Go slow for your first time and don't over do it.
If at all possible choose good food not junk food.
I made that mistake and had some awful indigestion and heart burn.
2 years

Thinking of doing my first stuffing soon

Why people think it has to be fast food or sweets just eat what you normally like just more of it.
Go slow for your first time and don't over do it.
If at all possible choose good food not junk food.
I made that mistake and had some awful indigestion and heart burn.

They go for the junk food because they want to get fat fast. Why else? Plus it's the ultimate sign of gluttony.

Shame that most people don't understand what happens when you overload yourself with unhealthy foods. Good way of getting sick.
2 years

Thinking of doing my first stuffing soon

True but little do they realize getting fat quick isn't going to happen.
2 years

Thinking of doing my first stuffing soon

I want too so bad and is ready.
2 years